Linking UP


What is …”Linking UP”… ?

…Linking UP… is a Provincial Self Advocates Network.


…Linking UP…­

A Provincial Self Advocate Network

You matter…

        You count…

                   You’re important…

                                It starts with you!

By…Linking UP… through Videoconferencing, Self Advocate groups can share their successes, challenges and ideas with each other.

Guest speakers will provide training and education on a variety of topics.  Some topics that have been part of the videoconferences in the past few years have been:  Abuse (S.T.A.R. Program), Bereavement & Grief, Journey of the “R” Word, Rights and Responsibilities,

…Linking UP”… will empower people so that everyone feels accepted and has a sense of belonging to the community. All people are welcome to attend, you do not have to be a part of an organization or a company or agency, just contact us at and we will get you…   Linked UP

Check out our Videoconference page by clicking this link for more information on upcoming Videoconference sessions for 2017.

Linking UP…Videoconferences

The following article might be of interest to some of you, check it out:  Impact- Feature Issue on Supporting Wellness for Adults with ID and DD – 2016-03-14

Check out our previous VC Calendars to see what topics we have discussed in the past few years:

VC notice – LINKING UP May 2017 – edited

VC Calendar – LINKING UP May 2017 – edited

2016 VC Calendar – LINKING UP

If you are interested in joining the steering committee to represent a region from the North, Central or Eastern regions, please contact us at Linking Up.

Linking UP is undergoing some changes and the steering committee is working on a new workplan, please stay tuned!

Here are a couple of movie titles shared by members of the …Linking UP…committee that you might enjoy:

“Like Normal People” starring Shaun Cassidy from 1979. Image result for Like normal people movie Link to webpage that describes the movie.  and

“The Other Sister” starring Juliette Lewis and Diane Keaton from 1999  Image result for the other sister movie  Link to webpage that describes the movie.