Author Archives: Joanne Boulard

March 7, 2013 Videoconference Evaluation Survey

Your feedback is important to us, please complete this quick survey to help us continuously … Continue reading


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Consensus Guidelines

Viewing Aggression Through A Mental Health Lens

Presenters: Sandra Scott, Crisis Response Network Coordinator, 4 Country Crisis-CMHA Peterborough and Toni Hill, Assessor/Navigator, … Continue reading

Increasing Safeguards

This initiative has been working to increase awareness of the issue of abuse/neglect involving adults … Continue reading

Launch of new CNSC website

Stay tuned and watch for the upcoming launch of the new CNSC Website next Monday, … Continue reading

Sexuality Unplugged

“Sexuality Unplugged – on Wed May 8th the Central East Region Network of Specialized Care … Continue reading

The Who, What, When and How of Advanced Care Planning

The presentation will provide you with information regarding Advanced Care Planning, legislation that is relevant … Continue reading

Advisory Committee of the Ontario Community Networks for Specialized Care’s French Language Specialized Services Resource (FLSSR)

Greetings, Yesterday, during their strategic planning day, members of the Advisory Committee of the Ontario … Continue reading

An Organizational Framework (using the S.T.A.R.T Services Model)

September 14, 2011 12:30 – 4:00 pm “An Organizational Framework” Developing an effective continuum of … Continue reading

Call for Abstracts

Health and Wellbeing in Developmental Disabilities: Engaging Health Care Professionals (to be held in Toronto … Continue reading